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Past Results

presidential job approval ratings
Bush Approval Ratings

Obama Slightly Extends Lead over McCain; Clinton Closes Gap


Obama is projected to get 27 more electoral votes than McCain. McCain may be ahead of Clinton by 60 electoral votes but Pennsylvania is a dead heat between the two of them according to the two polls released here.

Pollster Barack Obama John McCain
SUSA - Ohio 47.0 44.0
SUSA - Missouri 49.0 43.0
SUSA - New Mexico 55.0 40.0
SUSA - Minnesota 55.0 40.0
SUSA - Massachusetts 48.0 46.0
SUSA - California 61.0 34.0
SUSA - Alabama 34.0 58.0
SUSA - Kansas 44.0 50.0
SUSA - Oregon 48.0 47.0
SUSA - New York 57.0 36.0
RR - Iowa 44.0 41.0
RR - Virginia 44.0 49.0
F&M - Pennsylvania 43.0 44.0
Qpac - New Jersey 47.0 41.0
Muhlenberg - Pennsylvania 39.0 42.0
New Delegate Estimate: Obama 277 - McCain 250


Pollster Hillary Clinton John McCain
SUSA - Ohio 52.0 42.0
SUSA - Missouri 45.0 44.0
SUSA - New Mexico 50.0 45.0
SUSA - Minnesota 49.0 45.0
SUSA - Massachusetts 52.0 43.0
SUSA - California 58.0 35.0
SUSA - Alabama 37.0 57.0
SUSA - Kansas 35.0 59.0
SUSA - Oregon 41.0 49.0
SUSA - New York 52.0 41.0
RR - Iowa 37.0 47.0
RR - Virginia 41.0 51.0
F&M - Pennsylvania 46.0 46.0
Qpac - New Jersey 46.0 39.0
Muhlenberg - Pennsylvania 42.0 41.0
New Delegate Estimate: Clinton 211 - McCain 271


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(c) President Election, 2008