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Last Updated: 7/10/08

Ipsos I-Say Panel
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PollsterDateBarack ObamaJohn McCain
7News Suffolk University poll6/12/0853.030.0
Survey USA Poll6/3/0846.041.0
Survey USA Poll4/17/0848.046.0
Survey USA Poll3/20/0847.047.0
Survey USA Poll3/6/0849.042.0
Survey USA Poll2/17/0848.046.0
Survey USA Poll1/21/0845.050.0
Rasmussen Reports6/1/0851.038.0
Rasmussen Reports4/25/0851.039.0
Rasmussen Reports3/20/0849.042.0
Survey USA Poll12/15/0747.045.0
Survey USA Poll11/11/0744.047.0


PollsterDateBarack ObamaMitt Romney
Survey USA Poll1/21/0853.040.0
Survey USA Poll12/15/0755.036.0
Survey USA Poll11/11/0754.037.0


PollsterDateBarack ObamaMike Huckabee
Survey USA Poll1/21/0861.031.0
Survey USA Poll12/15/0760.028.0
Survey USA Poll11/11/0757.027.0


PollsterDateBarack ObamaRudy Giuliani
Survey USA Poll1/21/0856.038.0
Survey USA Poll12/15/0750.041.0
Survey USA Poll11/11/0746.044.0


PollsterDateHillary ClintonJohn McCain
Rasmussen Reports6/1/0860.030.0
Rasmussen Reports4/25/0855.036.0
Rasmussen Reports3/20/0854.035.0
Survey USA Poll4/17/0856.041.0
Survey USA Poll3/20/0855.042.0
Survey USA Poll3/6/0855.037.0
Survey USA Poll2/17/0852.043.0
Survey USA Poll1/21/0849.045.0
Survey USA Poll12/15/0753.043.0
Survey USA Poll11/11/0750.045.0
Survey USA Poll10/14/0758.037.0
American Research Group2/9/0539.048.0


PollsterDateHillary ClintonMitt Romney
Survey USA Poll1/21/0859.035.0
Survey USA Poll12/15/0760.034.0
Survey USA Poll11/11/0759.035.0
Survey USA Poll10/14/0765.031.0
American Research Group5/6/0554.038.0


PollsterDateHillary ClintonMike Huckabee
Survey USA Poll1/21/0863.030.0
Survey USA Poll12/15/0763.030.0
Survey USA Poll11/11/0761.031.0
Survey USA Poll10/14/0768.024.0


PollsterDateHillary ClintonRudy Giuliani
Survey USA Poll1/21/0857.037.0
Survey USA Poll12/15/0757.037.0
Survey USA Poll11/11/0754.040.0
Survey USA Poll10/14/0759.036.0


PollsterDateHillary ClintonFred Thompson
Survey USA Poll10/14/0766.028.0


PollsterDateHillary ClintonRon Paul
Survey USA Poll10/14/0767.024.0


PollsterDateAl GoreRudy Giuliani
Survey USA Poll10/14/0757.038.0


PollsterDateJohn KerryMitt Romney
7News Suffolk University poll2/5/0550.040.0


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(c) President Election, 2008