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Latest ABC News National Polls Show Giuliani Most Electable Republican Candidate?11/5/07 The pundits consider Fred Thompson to be the generic Republican candidate because his late entry into the race. This means that how he does in the polls is how any generic no-name Republican would do. Against Clinton, he would lose by 16% (56%-40%) according to the latest ABC / Washington Post poll. We've gone through a large amount of demographic data and found that Fred Thompson, for some reason, does very poorly among women -- even Republican women. If Hillary Clinton is the Democratic nominee, Fred Thompson would be the least likely Republican candidate to win. Romney fared worse that Thompson did according the ABC but could be due to statistical fluctuations. He would lose 57% to 39%. Earlier Rasmussen polls showed that McCain might be the best Republican candidate against Clinton but not according to ABC's latest poll. He would lose 52% to 43% while Giuliani is behind 50% to 46%. Summary
Other Related Polls Source: Washington Post. |
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(c) President Election, 2007 |