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Rudy Giuliani & Fred Thomson vs. Hillary Clinton


Rasmussen poll results of general election matchups.

Giuliani (46%), Clinton (44%)
Clinton (47%), Thompson (45%)

See how the demographics of these polls broke down. >>

  • Clinton gains support of Republican women but loses support among Democratic men.
  • Among women, Clinton is ahead 47% to 44%.
  • Among men, Giuliani is ahead 49% to 41%.
  • Among women, Clinton is ahead of Thompson 52% to 37%.
  • Among men, Fred Thompson is ahead of Clinton 55% to 40%.
  • Clinton's once double digit lead over Thompson has dwindled down to just a few points.
  • Giuliani's favorability rating now up to 51%, first time it has been above 50% in six weeks.
  • Clinton's unfavorability is at 52%.

The most glaring statistic is how well Fred Thompson does among men and how poorly he does among women. Giuliani holds his own among women voters. Clinton's unfavorability rating is a bit higher in this poll as compared to other polls taken.

Source: Rasmussen Reports

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Past Results

Dem vs Rep

  1. Clinton vs. Giuliani
  2. Clinton vs. McCain
  3. Clinton vs. Romney
  4. Obama vs. Giuliani
  5. Obama vs. McCain
  6. Obama vs. Romney
  7. Edwards vs. Giuliani
  8. Edwards vs. McCain
  9. Edwards vs. Romney
  10. Gore vs. Giuliani
  11. Gore vs. McCain
  12. Gore vs. Romney


presidential job approval ratings
Bush Approval Ratings

(c) President Election, 2007