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Clinton Holding Double Digit Leads in Pennsylvania


Pennsylvania Survey of 800 Likely Voters
Conducted October 24, 2020 by Rasmussen Reports

According to Rasmussen Reports, Clinton has a double digit lead over 4 Republican candidates in a hypothetical general election matchup. But the demographic that is bolstering her campaign is the woman vote.

The results are tabulated below.

Candidate Total Men Women
Rudy Giuliani 39% 44% 34%
Hillary Clinton 52% 47% 55%
Candidate Total Men Women
Thompson 36% 42% 30%
Hillary Clinton 52% 48% 56%
Candidate Total Men Women
McCain 38% 44% 32%
Hillary Clinton 48% 44% 52%
Candidate Total Men Women
Huckabee 31% 38% 25%
Hillary Clinton 54% 49% 58%


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Past Results

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  1. Clinton vs. Giuliani
  2. Clinton vs. McCain
  3. Clinton vs. Romney
  4. Obama vs. Giuliani
  5. Obama vs. McCain
  6. Obama vs. Romney
  7. Edwards vs. Giuliani
  8. Edwards vs. McCain
  9. Edwards vs. Romney
  10. Gore vs. Giuliani
  11. Gore vs. McCain
  12. Gore vs. Romney


presidential job approval ratings
Bush Approval Ratings

(c) President Election, 2007